What's wrong with making money? The investment philosophy the stockbroker learnt from following his father
Malaysia's leading investor and professor of economics
yesterday 14:12:58
Choose stocks and research them thoroughly. The secret to success lies in mastering this.
In today's world, where money is shared in large quantities and inflation can rise by 2 per cent per year, prices will double in 35 years and the value of cash will be halved.
There is a growing economic gap between those who just bank their money and those who manage their assets effectively, and those who do nothing are living in an era of disproportionate opportunity losses.

Investing in shares has the potential to deliver high returns. Share prices usually rise in line with the performance of the business and investors can be rewarded through share price growth and dividends.
The stock market offers a wide range of investment choices that help investors diversify their assets and reduce risk.

For the record, I am not charging any fees. I only have a sincere desire to help you and to help you not to become a victim of this war without medicine.
In the stock market, you can gain a lot of experience over time, but experience is not always the secret to success. Those who want to learn how to buy stocks to turn a loss into a profit do not know how to cope with the current economic environment, so I decided to help more people to achieve financial freedom by organising a free stock knowledge course. We invite top professional investors in Malaysia to organise free public seminars that are open to anyone who is interested in investing in stocks.

Through this course you will learn investment techniques, how to choose high dividend stocks and how to accurately predict future stock market movements. Based on over 30 years of experience as an investment instructor, the current target return is 98.8 per cent. Importantly, this is a completely free course.
You don't think it's realistic, but it has helped many people learn the right way to make money. This method has been proven to work for almost 20 years and you can do the same.
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Risks and costs associated with investments
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